


   科研成果:近年来在医用生物材料、磁性材料、碳材料、荧光材料、分子印迹材料等方面取得了一批原创性成果,并应用于药物分析、手性分离、毒品检测、药物载体、复杂样品前处理、医疗器械与耗材开发等领域。主持国家自然科学基金项目、中央高校科研专项重点项目、校企合作项目等多个科研项目,迄今已完成了两项科研成果向现实应用转化。在Carbon、Scientific Reports、Microchimica Acta、Journal of Chromatography A、Analyst 等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文40多篇。申请专利13项。





1.Xiao, D.; Yuan, D.; He, H.; Pham-Huy, C.; Dai, H.; Wang, C.; Zhang, C., Mixed hemimicelle solid-phase extraction based on magnetic carbon nanotubes and ionic liquids for the determination of flavonoids. Carbon 2014,72, 274-286.

2.Xiao, D.; Zhang, C.; He, J.; Zeng, R.; Chen, R.; He, H., Platform construction and extraction mechanism study of magnetic mixed hemimicelles solid-phase extraction. Scientific reports 2016,6.

3.Xiao, D.; Dramou, P.; Xiong, N.; He, H.; Yuan, D.; Dai, H.; Li, H.; He, X.; Peng, J.; Li, N., Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymers on the surface of magnetic carbon nanotubes with a pseudo template for rapid simultaneous extraction of four fluoroquinolones in egg samples. Analyst 2013,138, 3287-3296.

4.Xi, S.; Zhang, K.; Xiao, D.; He, H., Computational-aided design of magnetic ultra-thin dummy molecularly imprinted polymer for selective extraction and determination of morphine from urine by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 2016,1473, 1-9.

5.Xiao, D.; Dramou, P.; Xiong, N.; He, H.; Li, H.; Yuan, D.; Dai, H., Development of novel molecularly imprinted magnetic solid-phase extraction materials based on magnetic carbon nanotubes and their application for the determination of gatifloxacin in serum samples coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A 2013,1274, 44-53.

6.Dramou, P.; Zuo, P.; He, H.; Lien Ai, P.-H.; Zou, W.; Xiao, D.; Chuong, P.-H.; Ndorbor, T., Anticancer loading and controlled release of novel water-compatible magnetic nanomaterials as drug delivery agents, coupled to a computational modeling approach. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013,1, 4099-4109.

7.Xiao, D.; Dramou, P.; He, H.; Lien Ai, P.-H.; Li, H.; Yao, Y.; Chuong, P.-H., Magnetic carbon nanotubes: synthesis by a simple solvothermal process and application in magnetic targeted drug delivery system. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2012,14.

8.Xiao, D.; Jiang, Y.; Bi, Y., Molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of illegal drugs and additives: a review. Microchimica Acta 2018,185.

9.Xiao, D.; Liu, S.; Liang, L.; Bi, Y., Magnetic restricted-access microspheres for extraction of adrenaline, dopamine and noradrenaline from biological samples. Microchimica Acta 2016,183, 1417-1423.

10.Xiao, D.; Lu, T.; Zeng, R.; Bi, Y., Preparation and highlighted applications of magnetic microparticles and nanoparticles: a review on recent advances. Microchimica Acta 2016,183, 2655-2675.

11.Li, S.; Xiao, D.; Liu, D.; He, H., Calcium-doped fluorescent carbon nanoparticles: Spontaneous thermal synthesis, pH-sensitive fluorescence off-on, and mechanism. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2018,266, 594-602.

12. Xiao, D. L; Su, L. J; Teng, Y; Hao, J. F; Bi, Y. P.Fluorescent nanomaterials combined with molecular imprinting polymer: synthesis, analytical applications, and challenges. Microchimica Acta 2020, 187, 7-15

    E-mail: xiao49562000@163.com